Saturday, July 3, 2010

Mordheim: Well, back to the old drawing board. . .

So yeah, the Dwarf pirates list . . . let's just be kind and say it "didn't work."

3 games and restarted twice. Ouch.

The big problem isn't losing, I expected to lose every game. The big problem is that when they lose, I can get enough wyrdstone to build up slowly. Essentially, you're just always going to lose. After the second game, I was down to 3 models and one of them had a leg wound (so Mv 2). So my first restart and I played a third game: all but 1 hero went out of action. So when one model died and the other went out for two games, I was back down to 2 models.

Ultimately, I'm paying for a lot of stuff that simply isn't worth it. For example, the brace of pistols? Worthless as a shooting weapon, because you're almost always at long range & moving (so -2). Their only use is a first turn shot in melee. Frankly, I don't think they're worth it there either, but I want to use pirates.

Plus I used Clansmen instead of Beardlings for Henchmen, so that I'd hit better in both melee & shooting. Well, shooting I'll only hit on a 6 anyway, so no point there. And while hitting on a 3+ vs most guys is nice, it's not that nice.

Then there's taking lots of Dwarven Axes. The parry is neat, but it makes them pretty expensive. If I get master of blades as a skill, they become pretty brutal (essentially I can parry half of all attacks coming my way). But giving them to everybody (especially henchmen) just becomes too pricey. Still I should have a few so I don't have to search for them all the time.

The long and short is that at an average model cost of 100 gp per model, I was getting terrible returns on my investment. But I really like the idea of Dwarf Pirates. So I came home, sat and stewed (my dice were not kind to me either), and I'm gonna try it again next week with this:

Noble: 2 axes, pistol, helmet

Engineer: handgun

Slayer: axe & dwarven axe

Slayer: axe & dwarven axe

Beardling: 2 axes, pistol, helmet

Beardling: 2 axes, pistol, helmet

Beardling: 2 axes, pistol

The pistols still aren't worth it, and I could get another Beardling if I dropped them. But they're Dwarf pirates. First, half the models have pistols on them. Second, they're fucking pirates!

So the theory is that the engineer will hang back and snipe. This gives me some long range, plus an extra hero for wyrdstone hunting. Usually in a losing fight 2 heroes get dropped, so this'll give me 2 to search for stones plus the extra one Dwarves normally get. But maybe if I use the Beardling screen, when I drop two I can just run away with all 4 heroes and build up.

The pistols on the Beardlings are 100% for the first round of melee. I'll shoot as I approach, but not expect to hit a damn thing. I can tell in the rules: if you shoot (with a single pistol) and then get charged, do you get the pistol shot on that first round?

And the fewer Dwarf Axes is so that if one guy gets a skill, he takes master of blades and we swap weapons around.

We'll see how it goes. Again the goal is to be able to build up after each loss I take. Pretty low standards egh? "My goal is not to be crippled after each game..."

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