Monday, September 7, 2009

First game of BSG boardgame

Yeah, I know, I've owned the game for like a month and only now playing my first complete game. Anyway, it was a blast with a lucky hit by the Cylon player destroying Galactica's last reserve of fuel.

Was a three person game. I played Tigh, one person was Kara, and another played Baltar. Baltar was a Cylon from the very beginning, but he played really well. I actually found him out early on, when he and I were the only ones putting cards in and we had 3 negative cards. There were accusations and counter-accusations all over the place. Then after the sleeper agent phase, he used his Baltar ability to look at my cards, at which point I figured he wasn't the Cylon player.

Oh but it was a double cross on his part. He "wasted" his action to allay fears. And it worked, because I basically cost us the game. See, for most of the game I was both president and admiral because of a forced resignation crisis card. I kept drawing quorum cards and gained arrest warrant, which I then used on Kara. I over-thought it and didn't go with instinct, and so Kara spent a couple turns in the brig.

Then Baltar revealed, and damaged the FTL (next jump was to Kobol but we only had 1 fuel left). I bailed Kara out with my presidential pardon, but a cylon fleet dropped right on top of us. Kara fixed the FTL, and we were two spots awya from jumping. We could afford to lose the population, as it'd win us the game. Then Baltar played his super crisis, which activated the whole fleet if we didn't come up with a 24 between the two of us. We both played our entire hand and won with a 36, meaning only the base ship could shoot.

Rolls a 4, damaging Galactica. And then flips -1 fuel, bringing us to zero. Done and done.

Baltar played it really well, with only one slip which was more luck of the draw than anything else. Sadly, I failed two chances to spot the cylon. Very early on, I had a Quorum card that let me look at one of his two loyalty cards. I was gonna choose the bottom one (the one showing he was a cylon) but I changed and picked the top one at the very last second. D'oh.

Still a fun, fun game. Can't wait to play it again, actually.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Got a few spare moments this week to do some assembly, so I figured I'd assemble some Cadians and the "Astropath" for my army. Got the Vet sergeants with powerfists and the Heavy Flamers done:

So, if you're curious, the laspistol from the cadian box is right handed. And so is the powerfist from the command sprue. Commence rant:

What the fuck!? I mean, GW, seriously, what the fuck? What moron thought it was a good idea to put everything on the Same. Fucking. Hand. Is it the same guy who thought that there shouldn't be any complete fucking left hands on the entire motherfucking sprue?

Seriously, the only complete left hand (that wasn't cut off at the wrist with the hand attached to a lasgun stock) was the sergeant chainsword hand. So because the vaunted GW planning and design system couldn't design a sprue with another sprue in mind? These guys could find a way to cram thirteen skulls on a carebears miniature ("I'm apostate bear, tee-hee!"), but couldn't think to put a couple of empty left fucking hands on a sprue?

Oh, and the heavy flamer? Yeah, the hose doesn't hook up with the hose on the backpack.

Right, moving on.

Since I have two Vendettas in the army, I figured it'd be worth the 30 pts for an Astropath. But this is the Martian SRO, so I figured it'd be cooler if the guy coordinating when reinforcements showed up would be a Lex-Magos. Also I promised Trent the Astropath in from Regimental Advisors blister. Since the Officer of the Fleet was going towards my Mordians than left me the Master of Ordnance to work with.

Without much of a plan, I sat and started snipping away. Here's a pic of him after the point of no return:

And here's a couple pics of the finished product:

I really like the way the robes flowed on the back. The front, not so much. It's been warm here the last couple days and some of the green stuff dried a little quicker than I thought it would so when I to sculpt folds the greenstuff tore. I tried smoothing it out, but it was too late. But it's okay because the mechadendrites draw attention away.

Do people think I should elongate the right sleeve to cover more of the dendrites or just leave it? I'm reticent to go back, because its usually when I try to fix things that I make them worse.