Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The New Ekrund ExPatriots

I had planned to post this a few days after Kublacon, but you know what my motto is about plans. So I've got 45 minutes before the eldest child wakes up: just enough time to get into writing, not enough to do real work. Anyway, for the 1 of you that read this and didn't go to Kubla, here's some more pictures on the New Ekrund ExPatriots.

The team in all it's glory:

Quarterback Thoom Broody & Coach Bild Billy-Chuck

The "Chaos Dwarves"

The "Bull Centaurs"

The Hobgoblins

If you're interested in how I came up with the name . . . you're fricken bored. Here's a map, open it and zoom in a little bit on the Black Gulf region (which is roughly centered).

To the right of the Black Gulf you'll see the Dragonback Mountains. At the bottom of those is Ekrund (Mt. Bloodhorn).

So basically I needed something that sounded like "England." Then I looked through various wikis and found this:

-1498 Imperial Years

The mines of Ekrund are siezed by the Orcs after heavy fighting against the Dragonback Dwarfs and the watch towers of Mad Dog Pass are gradually abandoned and siezed by the Goblins.

So I constructed some fluff that the original survivors of Karak Ekrund made their way north and settled in the foothills of the Moot, founding New Ekrund. After years of breeding with Halfling women, the folk of New Ekrund weren't exactly Dwarves and weren't exactly Halflings. They were gnomes.

Yeah, okay, a lot of silly thought for a Bloodbowl team. But I have a lot of time during the day where I'm physically busy but the brain is otherwise unengaged.

Right, there you have my team. I have considered doing Undead next year, using Malifaux minis. I've also looked at doing Lizardmen, using the Impact Minis Sarcos. Right now, I'm thinking of maybe taking the New Ekrund Expatriots again or maybe doing the Ogres. I had fun with both of those teams.

Or maybe I'll just dust off the High Elves. Unlike most folks, I give them Block when they get advancements because I like to mix it up. But passing is fun too.

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