Monday, April 5, 2010

Storm Troopers done

You know you're using a lot of black when you're taking pictures in direct sunlight and the the camera's flash still goes off. Anyway, if you ignore the flash on the red clothing, it's a pretty decent representation of my storm troopers.

Compared to the guardsmen, I whisked right through these guys. Basically 20 of them done in about a month (including some time off).

This leaves my total Kubla to-do list as:
  • Assemble Tech priest
  • Paint Tech Priest & Servitor
  • Assemble & Paint 2 sentinels
  • Flock all IG models
  • Assemble 3-4 Ork converted Flash Gits
  • Assemble looted monolith (battle wagon)
  • Paint & flock Blood Bowl team
The Ork stuff is so that my buddy can have a playable 2,000 pt list at Kubla. Plus the army has no looted necron stuff, so this'll be nice to add.

I'm going to switch gears and work on the blood bowl team, just to change stuff up. No pictures forthcoming though, because this year's team is a little present to Manny...


  1. Good looking pictures there. You going to make it? :)

  2. Maybe. I'm already triaging: the sentinels are on the bottom of the list for getting painted. Mer is going to flock the minis for me.

    The good news is the BB team is going fairly quickly. 75% of the way done with two models and only a night of painting.
