Monday, June 1, 2009

Just some pictures

I didn't get a chance to take pictures of my finished Tau before Kublacon, so here here they are. I love the Micro Art bases, and I like the paint jobs. They could've been done a bit better, but by the time I realized it, Kubla was like 2 days away.

Also, I have some conversion work to do for my Orks and my IG. The Powerfist sergeants for my IG was the quickest, so they got done first.


  1. A little wash/weathering and the Tau suits will look golden. The white and its lining is terrific btw.

    The powerfists look oversized, like they'd fall over. Sergeants can't take powerfists in the new codex, so is this for something special?

  2. Tau: I was going for that pristine look on them. I also am selling them off, so there's a good chance they're gonna get dropped in some brake fluid.

    Besides, I got to play with them for like a grand total of 20 minutes.

    Sgts: Yeah they look a little big. But this is 40K, where the concept of "scale" was declared excommunicatus.

    Oh and they're Vet sgts, who are allowed PFs.

  3. Fair enough on all replies. I wonder how many people are going to continue playing the traditional guard army we're used to seeing? It seems like the majority will be veterans in chimeras from here on out.

  4. Well, mine is just one of 3 variant lists. One list 6 units of Vets, but the other two have my traditional "2 platoons of 3 squads". One will have a 4th squad of guys in a chimera and one will have 2 squads of veterans.

    Can't blame people for playing the strengths of a system everytime GW lurches from pendulum extreme to pendulum extreme.
