Monday, January 17, 2011

A ton of new Relictors

Big long absence, I know. Been actually watching a lot of football and playing games on Sunday. It feels so right to play Bloodbowl while watching Nuffle. But I've actually managed to build some stuff:

My "Huron Blackheart" model:

Base body is Pedro Kantor, with all the Crimson Fists iconography filed off. The head is from the SM sprue (cybernetic body for the 5+ Inv save). The sword is a WFB Chaos Knight sword (power weapon + personal icon). The "Plasma Caster" is the heavy flamer built into the power fist.

The henchman with the tank is from the Scibor line, with the flame from the Malifaux line (I think it's actually called the Purifying Flame). The tank fuels both the plasma caster and the model's cybernetic body.

Chaos Sorcerer:

Body is Cypher with a WFB Chaos Knight weapon (his Force Weapon) & some space marine arms. The book is his personal icon. He's a (very) Radical Inquisitor who's responsible for all the bound demons.

Accompanying the Inquisitor is the possession squad, so called because it has the Possession Monkey Aspiring Champion (seen here). I decided at the last minute to buy the Dark Angel veterans squad to match the Inqusitor. Also, in theme, they all have spell books. The Icon of Nurgle is the big giant book. Spells of stasis and abjuration providing the +1 Toughness. So they're not nurgley, but just enchanted.

(and yes, I made little lengths of chain for each guy. Gluing chains 3-links long was a bitch.)

The Chosen squad will be up next.